So i thought it would be a bright idea to dj at the cha cha on thursday night and just go straight to work the Black Friday Sale at the Store directly after. Negative. It doesn't help when your Pile friends are in for the adventure as well. Lucky for them they didn't have to work till 7pm the next day. I was up for 36 hours before i slept for 14 Hours...
Here's some stuff that i don't remember that happened.
Trills and Nhatedogg dj'd as well..
The piles Showed up...
that Doesn't seem very safe...
Shoes is back in town...
evil evil and evil
Requests...Benny and the Jets. Fuck Benny and the Jets.
"Stop Playing this Shit and play more morrissey"
TH Poster Street Team...
Pile Up.
Getting their 2nd Wind...
Mo picked me up. this was pre run out of gas rolling down fairfax.
BYOB at 7909 Rosewood...
I guess the other car made a stop at HOLEfoods on the way to the shop...
Pepper came ready with his Latest in Streetwear Shades...
Le idiot...
Street Team...
Look at for what followed after the piles that didn't work left...
Note to self: Next year take the day off.
by ynoT?